Supplement Snoop is the answer to the confusing and overwhelming world of dietary supplements. With our comprehensive supplement analyzer, you can purchase products with the knowledge and information you need to make the best selection for your needs.
Supplements aren't just for bodybuilders anymore and people deserve to be fully informed before making a purchase for something that should improve their lives.
The app includes:
-Instant barcode scanning technology to provide immediate results of your product.
-The serving size on the label and exactly how much of that serving size is truly accounted for in the math. Large unfilled gaps in the numbers could point to a larger problem.
-A breakdown of all fully identified ingredients and the amounts specifically listed. Each ingredient will be concisely defined, its uses identified, and any scientific backing will be mentioned. Any flavor-specific ingredients will also be shown.
-A search function that responds to product names as well as ingredients to help you find products that may contain helpful or harmful ingredients.
-Comprehensive product comparison screen. Compare products side by side and instantly find out who stacks up better for the results you want. A great option for people looking to save some money on their products!
-A featured section containing a rotating group of products. This is where companies will have the opportunity to showcase their approved products.
-A new Random Supplement button to access new products in the database
-Full category searches to make searching easier and more interactive
-PURCHASE product links so you can buy the product directly from the app
We have a constantly growing database of energy drinks, protein powders, pre workouts and much much more and we will continually evolve to meet the demands of the community.
- 即时条形码扫描技术,提供你的产品的立竿见影的效果。
- 综合产品比较画面。并排比较产品侧并立即找出谁堆叠起来为你想要的结果更好。人们希望节省一些钱,对他们的产品的绝佳选择!
- 全类别搜索使搜索更容易,更互动